Why do you want to exercise regularly?

The benefits of regular exercise have been shown to include:

  • Reduced stress on your body.
  • Improved sleep and more energy.
  • More effective control of blood sugar levels, blood pressure, et al.

Here's The Exercise Plan

Just Get Started
Motivation is important but sometimes just the act of taking action over time will make it easier to develop a habit of exercise.

Schedule Your Time
Putting your time to exercise on your calendar seems simple but it trains your mind to make exercise a priority. If you schedule time to exercise, often the same time each day, it makes it more likely that you will exercise consistently.

Be Kind to Yourself
Improving your health, changing your body, improving your posture, and getting stronger and more flexible don't happen overnight. Enjoy the process! Don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a day here and there.

Be Consistent
Sticking to your exercise plan over time is important to you receiving the rewards.

Track Your Goals
Take a "before" picture. Weigh yourself at the same time each week at the same time of day. Write down how far you've walked. It's important to track your progress to see how far you have come, and to see if any changes in your exercise plan are needed.

Goals Change Over Time
As you begin your exercise journey your goals likely will change over time. Maybe your goal initially was to prepare to run a 5K race. That's Great! But once you have completed the race your exercise plan may evolve to maintain certain health metrics such as weight, distance walked each day or blood pressure reading.


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