Tri Modern Health patients frequently ask how to maintain their feeling of good health after a treatment.

Dr. Hector's response: Good eating and regular exercise.  The combination helps to support reduced stress in the spine and nervous systems and helps the patient's adjustments to hold longer.

But, many patients wonder: How do I put this into action in my life?

As we mentioned in the recent Tri Modern newsletter, Dr. Hector is pleased to share news of his weight loss. He now feels he is truly living a healthy life.

To help guide you to put a healthy living plan for your life into action, he is pleased to share his process.

Plan Healthy Meals

Dr. Hector plans out his meals for the week ahead, He eats three larger meals a day and 2-3 healthy snacks.

His meal planning includes:

Eating protein with each meal.

To start his day he drinks a protein shake or eats a yogurt bowl mixing fruit, yogurt and sometimes a bit of granola to provide quick protein intake.

Staying hydrated.

He drinks water throughout the day.

Veggie World.

He eats at least two servings of vegetables per day.

Get Regular Exercise
Dr. Hector also plans out his physical workouts for each week.
This includes:
Weight training 3-4 times per weeks.
Cardio training
Even if only for 15 minutes at a time he works to get some kind of exercise twice per day...ideally once in the morning and once at noon.

The key to successful results from any physical exercise is to do it consistently.

Pro Tip: He almost always eats before weight training and usually do not eat before a cardio session that is 30 minutes or less.

Find Time to Decompress During the Week

We all need some time just to put up our feet and television, smartphone or computer. This time of year 30 minutes or so sitting in your backyard enjoying nature can be a real stress-buster.

Check Out Dr. Hector's Before and After Pictures at top of blog post.


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