Sleep Like a Baby on our New Pillo Pedic Pillow

Many of our clients who suffer neck pain comment that it seems to worsen after they sleep on their current pillow..

Just a few inches difference in the angle of the neck during sleep can lead to a pain in the neck...or a refreshing night of sleep!

To help you enjoy that truly restful night of sleep we are pleased to introduce the Pillo Pedic Pillow designed by nationally-famous chiropractor, Dr. Monte Greenawalt, founder of the pioneering orthotics company, Foot Levelers.

Next time you visit our office, ask Dr. Hector to demonstrate the Pillo Pedic pillow.

Share Tips for More Restful Sleep

Develop a Wind-Down Routine

When we’re kids, our parents strictly enforce our bedtimes, and have set times for putting on pajamas and reading bedtime stories. This helps the brain create an association with routines for sleep, which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night. Our brains don’t lose our craving for routine as we age, so as adults, we need to recreate those neuro associations. 

A good wind-down schedule should begin at least 30 to 35 minutes before your bedtime and should include quiet relaxation, reading books, or some stretching exercises, If you meditate or have a spiritual practice, that’s a good time to incorporate it.” 

Things like brushing teeth and removing makeup should be done earlier, to avoid exposure to bright bathroom lights too close to bedtime. To establish a bedtime, first decide when you need to wake up, and work backwards based on your sleep needs. It’s best to stick to that schedule seven days a week, as sleeping in on the weekends to catch up on sleep can have negative effects in the long run.

Create a Bedroom Cave

According to the National Sleep Foundation, your bedroom temperature should be 65 degrees to help your hormones align for optimal sleep; cortisol levels will drop, melatonin levels will increase. Keep the room as dark and quiet as possible and sleep in breathable, cotton clothing. The neon alarm clock numbers two feet from your head? Not good. Consider blackout blinds or a sleep mask, and keep the room uncluttered so your brain has nothing else to think about.

Avoid Blue Light

Three hours before bed, shut down the cell phone, laptop, tablet, and TV because blue-light exposure stunts the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. The brighter and stronger the light to which you are exposed, the greater the effect it will have on your Circadian clock, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. 

It’s also not just the light that is bad. It’s what you’re doing on the device that creates that light. 

Playing video games and watching movies stimulate the brain and are distracting rather than relaxing. Consider making the bedroom a screen-free zone. Those with interactive devices in their bedrooms are more likely to report “unrefreshing sleep.” And if you can’t power down, blue-light blocking glasses mitigate the effects.

Source: Dr. Meeta Singh, Sleep Specialist


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